We got machine learning 2.0 before GTA 6!!!
Posts like these have been popping up on my feed for the past few weeks; and obviously that got me intrigued. After a little digging, the buzz was about KANs or Kolmogorov Arnold Networks.
The main premise of KANs in the words of the authors of the paper are
While MLPs have fixed activation functions on nodes (neurons), KANs have learnable activation functions on edges (weights).
The whole thing has its roots in the Kolmogorov-Arnold Representation Theorem
which says
is a multivariate continuous function on a bounded domain, then it can be written as a finite composition of continuous functions of a single variable and the binary operation of addition.
So what it means is a continuous functions (no sharp corners) can be represented as a combination or superposition of finite functions, in a way the addition function is the only multivariate function.
A brief note on what they actually mean
KANs like MLPs are also universal approximators. Below I have taken snippets of what I thought was important in the explanations given in the base paper.
KANs are proposed as a promising alternative to MLPs. While MLPs have fixed activation functions on neurons, KANs have learnable activation functions on weights.
Every weight parameter is replaced by a univariate function parametrized as a spline. This seemingly simple change makes KANs outperform MLPs in terms of accuracy and interpretability, on small-scale AI + Science tasks.
KANs have no linear weight matrices at all: instead, each weight parameter is replaced by a learnable 1D function parametrized as a spline. KANs nodes simply sum incoming signals without applying any non-linearities.
What I did with this
Now to be frank I do not understand this beyond a fundamental level but I just HAD to do something with it.
So I built a classifier with the help of the python package the authors provided along with the paper.
And you know i just had to complicate this because doing not easy things is kind of my thing, so instead of classifying something simple like mnist numbers I picked a pancreatic cancer dataset.
So i picked a pancreatic cancer dataset from kaggle. Did a little mode imputing, and used Column Transformation.
I then picked what i understand to be 7 features of importance from the dataset them being, age
, sex
, plasma_ca19_9
, creatinine
, TFF1
Then created a Train - Test - Validate split. After it converted the numpy arrays to a torch tensor.
I chose to define the model with following specifications
model = KAN(width=[7,32,64,2], grid=10, k=3)
I used the Limited BFGS optimization, also used a Cross Entropy function, both of which are provided in the pykan
package (just followed what the authors did in the docs)
I then ran the model for 50 epochs
It ran for about 45 mins and yielded the following results
Train ACC: 0.8184019370460048
Val ACC: 0.7727272727272727
Test ACC: 0.7865168539325843
Really neat in my opinion.
Although I do have a few reservations because of the dataset nature but since it was just proof of concept experimentation for me I do not really care too much about that.
To conclude I had so much fun messing with this, trying to understand what on earth is going on. Since the paper holds a lot of promise like computational and parametrial (is that even a word?) efficiency it will be super exciting to see how things progress and what further research progresses.